The wooly sheep in the sky,
grazing among the bright blue pasture,
are herded towards the morning sun;
they now roar like lions
while they feast
upon the glass ether.
As a child, I would have cowered
from their fangs of lightning;
now, I find awe in the power they hold
to shatter the heavens.
Their drool drips down,
partitioning the light
that leaks into
this terrarium of a world,
devouring the peace
that ensconced
the yellow fields
and meandering roads.
What’s left behind in their wake of destruction
is teeming life, renewed by nature’s fury.
Sydney Reppy is a rising senior at DePaul University, studying Secondary Education–English. Her works have been featured in Joliet Junior College’s “Wordeater” Literary Magazine, where she previously served as a student editor. She enjoys writing poetry and short stories, as well as playing steel pan and hiking.