Issue 3 Poetry

Portrait of My Debit Card Signature

This was a self-assigned prompt, and since I had no idea of how it was/wasn’t working, getting a sense of that from the lovely folks at WG gave me helpful feedback on how to tweak my punctuation, wording, and get a sense of what flowed and what I could make more clear.

Issue 3 Poetry

  “Cowboys on LSD—intercepted missive—Not Suitable For Public Viewing—c0lor1z3d—EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY—Digital-Reprint—Surgeon General’s Warning: May Cause Liver Damage—With love, Mom.”

Since surrealism is a style I don’t dabble in too often, getting a read on what parts were confusing in the right ways, vs. confusing in the wrong ways, was very beneficial.

Issue 3 Poetry

Pupil Slicer

I received a lot of helpful feedback on the images that were working and felt vividly described. Readers also told me what they felt the central theme to the poem was, and which sections were confusing or could be written clearer.

Issue 3 Poetry

An Ode to Cleveland

I received feedback on the title, which I changed from Ode to Ohio to Ode to Cleveland. I also received feedback on certain lines and their wording. Additionally, I was encouraged to play around with stanza breaks, which I tried but didn’t like.

Issue 2 Poetry

Swimming with Sharks

When I brought this piece to Writers Guild, people encouraged me to experiment with the formatting, which I tried to lean into, since I’m not always the most experimental when it comes to layout and visual appearance.

Issue 2 Poetry

Decorative Brass Fan

This is one of the older pieces in my collection-in-progress (the date I probably started receiving feedback was in November of 2019!), but I’ve had additional feedback on the poem since then, and I know that Writers Guild will always be there to look at subsequent drafts. The writing process is always a joy when there’s a community to share it with!

Issue 2 Poetry

I’d like to apologize

Everyone at Writers Guild was so receptive of my work and took their feedback seriously. I received really helpful and varied feedback that made my revision process a lot easier. I love that I have a community of writers at the Guild who I know have my back!

Issue 2 Poetry

Revolution from the ground up

I really enjoyed this Writing Center Appointment; it pushed my writing in new directions and also alerted me to what my writing was doing “right.”

Issue 2 Poetry

I Sit at The Desk of Intrusive Thoughts

The faciliators and attendees of writers guild gave me great insights as to how this piece felt , like a surrealist painting. I refined it punctually and added a bit more grounded language, as per the suggestions.

Issue 2 Poetry

My Character

People found this piece funnier than I anticipated and were overall encouraging, even though I wasn’t sure how it would be received, so that was definitely reassuring!