Issue 5 Poetry

Little Black Blur

I got some suggestions relating to word choice so that the syllables of my rhymes sounded better and more concise. I was informed that my poem does not tell a very complex story but it’s a complete one. I was suggested to introduce a conflict into the story to keep the reader’s attention and make the happy ending all that much more joyous, but I did not go that route. I wanted to keep it very simple.

In a cozy home out by the lake,
Lives a small black dog with a curious face.
Quick as a flash, out the door he will dart.
In search of adventures, he shares his whole heart.

With legs like springs, he jumps so high,
Touching clouds as they float on by.
His playful spirit knows no bounds,
In greener fields, he is often found.

With a mischievous glint in his curious eyes,
You can almost see his imagination fly.
Those who know him see him roam free, 
Running where the crawdads sing. 

If ever you see a small black blur,
Zipping through fields with a joyful stir,
Let him roam; let him explore,
This small black dog, we truly adore.