Issue 4 Poetry

Blue is the Color of Dreamers

Lauren [Writing Center tutor] was very kind and I appreciated her giving me feedback on my poems. I only changed one thing, which was taking out the “we are the poets…” to “we are poets.” I feel like that small detail makes a difference. She also mentioned to go into further detail with describing how the ocean reflects dreamers’ thoughts and why the sky is their savior. I personally like the unspecificity of why. I think it allows for people who consider themselves dreamers to reflect on moments when they zone out or think deeply. For me, I think a lot when I am in nature. It’s also in nature that I find my creativity the most and inspiration.

Blue is the color of dreamers.
Forever searching for something more. 
The ocean seems to reflect our deepest thoughts, and the sky is our savior.
We look at the stars, hoping for a meaning to the endless churning in our stomachs.
Out of touch with reality, forever in a childish dream world. 
We hope for the best but usually get the worst.
We are poets, musicians, painters, filmmakers.
We sit and observe, and no one notices us, but we notice everything.
We are dreamers, and blue is the color of our souls.

Emily Jonas is a senior at DePaul University, studying Film with a concentration in Screenwriting. She mostly writes screenplays, but enjoys writing poetry in her free time. Her favorite color is green, she takes her coffee without cream, and her most prized possession is a wallet made from Marlboro packs that her grandfather gave her.