Fiction Issue 1

Why I Threw That Brick In the Corner of Our Room Through the Window of a High-Rise and Probably Killed an Innocent Animal

“When I brought this piece to Writer’s Guild, I finally read it out loud to an audience, which gave me more of a sense of how it should sound—important for me since it’s naturally a spoken genre. Thankfully, people told me what they wanted to know more about—what they craved to hear more about from the narrator.”

Issue 1 Poetry


“I wrote this real late and really poured out my feelings into it. I didn’t have much to edit since I thought it really captured my feelings at that point and didn’t need much editing. I wanted to capture my ideas about hate and how it is the easiest emotion to be captured by, and how insanely hard it is to really love yourself and others to a full extent.”

Fiction Issue 1

By the Time You Read This

“During my revision process I found that members of Writers Guild really pinpointed some of the cracks in this story. I was able to utilize Brain’s feedback by giving the ‘you’ of the story a name to create a stronger sense of attachment for the reader.”

Issue 1 Poetry


“My process for writing and revision varies based on the type of writing I’m working on. For poetry, sometimes I won’t revise at all, and have trouble changing a poem after I’ve completed it.”

Issue 1 Poetry

Uptown is Dead

“I live in Uptown and I like to write about its weird minutiae.”

Issue 1 Poetry

Our Lady, Carmen

“I live in Uptown and I like to write about its weird minutiae.”

Issue 1 Poetry

dead bird remnants

“Overall, my writing and revision process is focused on capturing overall moods. I nitpick and fine comb through my work in order to prioritize conciseness while still maintaining poetic grace. Or at least that’s what I’m hoping for.”

Issue 1 Poetry


“I wrote all of these pieces on my own volition, inspired by the people within my life. Typically, I get all my thoughts down through word vomiting on the paper, then spend the majority of my writing process revising. All of these writings have benefited from the perspectives of others, allowing me to get to a place where I am proud of my works.”

Issue 1 Poetry

barreling of a certain kind

“My mother told me once that your first love is something you never truly get over. Your love for a person collides with your resentment towards them, catalyzing those feelings into a benumbed state of being that renders you helpless. This poem depicts the state of consternation that happens when you don’t know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong in a relationship.”

CONTENT WARNING: This piece contains imagery of sexual assault.