Issue 3 Poetry

The Right Spell

The feedback helped me see my work from the perspective of readers and see where some word choices might be less clear or where excessive wordiness might detract from the piece.

Issue 2 Poetry

Decorative Brass Fan

This is one of the older pieces in my collection-in-progress (the date I probably started receiving feedback was in November of 2019!), but I’ve had additional feedback on the poem since then, and I know that Writers Guild will always be there to look at subsequent drafts. The writing process is always a joy when there’s a community to share it with!

Issue 1 Poetry

Quarantine Aubade with Ophelia

“Over the months that I’ve been working on these poems (and about a decade before that), Writers Guild has provided consistent community and support. When I came to DePaul as a returning student in 2008, I found Writers Guild and the UCWbL and discovered more writing community and opportunities for collaboration than I would have ever believed possible.”

Issue 1 Poetry

Isolation Love Poem with Daffodils

“Over the months that I’ve been working on these poems (and about a decade before that), Writers Guild has provided consistent community and support. When I came to DePaul as a returning student in 2008, I found Writers Guild and the UCWbL and discovered more writing community and opportunities for collaboration than I would have ever believed possible.”