Issue 3 Poetry


People pointed out patterns and made connections around the idea of 2’s that I had not even considered, so getting outsiders’ perspectives like that was very valuable to my own understanding of the piece.

Issue 3 Poetry

Portrait of My Debit Card Signature

This was a self-assigned prompt, and since I had no idea of how it was/wasn’t working, getting a sense of that from the lovely folks at WG gave me helpful feedback on how to tweak my punctuation, wording, and get a sense of what flowed and what I could make more clear.

Issue 3 Poetry

  “Cowboys on LSD—intercepted missive—Not Suitable For Public Viewing—c0lor1z3d—EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY—Digital-Reprint—Surgeon General’s Warning: May Cause Liver Damage—With love, Mom.”

Since surrealism is a style I don’t dabble in too often, getting a read on what parts were confusing in the right ways, vs. confusing in the wrong ways, was very beneficial.

Fiction Issue 2


People wanted to know more about the viewpoint these observations were coming from, essentially who the speaker was. Also, people suggested using the title as a way of providing more context for the reader.

Issue 2 Poetry

Swimming with Sharks

When I brought this piece to Writers Guild, people encouraged me to experiment with the formatting, which I tried to lean into, since I’m not always the most experimental when it comes to layout and visual appearance.

Issue 2 Poetry

My Character

People found this piece funnier than I anticipated and were overall encouraging, even though I wasn’t sure how it would be received, so that was definitely reassuring!

Fiction Issue 1


“My process for writing and revision varies based on the type of writing I’m working on. For fiction, I find it easier to interpolate various drafts and sections as I start to get a better idea of the shape of the story I’m writing.”

Issue 1 Poetry

A Place

“My process for writing and revision varies based on the type of writing I’m working on. For poetry, sometimes I won’t revise at all, and have trouble changing a poem after I’ve completed it.”

Issue 1 Poetry


“My process for writing and revision varies based on the type of writing I’m working on. For poetry, sometimes I won’t revise at all, and have trouble changing a poem after I’ve completed it.”